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Search Results

  1. ... book-binding techniques. Artslab is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship Program. ...

  2. ... the sixth installment of the Museum’s Fellow Focus series, dedicated to highlighting the work of MAD’s Artist Studios program ...

  3. ... Engels’  Manifesto of the Communist Party  and a series of participatory pieces for solo cello that engage with the legacy of ...

  4. ... and support one another. At MAD, Harrod will create a series of works that investigate the relationship between color and gender ...

  5. ... which exist as a site for both nostalgia and trauma. This series will begin to unpack the complicated dynamics of families with sick ...

  6. ... Moebes will continue her project “The Gatekeepers,” a series of ten larger-than-life figures rendered in embroidery and quilting. The ...

  7. ... with forms created by hand. At MAD, she will continue her series “Them,” made with air-drying clay, paper and muslin, gouache, and ...

  8. ... Thompson Royds was inspired to create, Natura Morta , a series exploring the tradition of flowers as a decorative motif in jewelry. ...

  9. ... artist of French and Spanish descent. Her “Close-Up” series comprises a collection of ancestral knots rethought as art objects, with ...

  10. ... designer   in a live taping of the popular public radio series.  General Yes Thursday, ...


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