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Search Results

  1. ... Film Series Jan 1 – Feb 10, 2012 ...

  2. ... titled Designers Screenings .  Envisioned as a series of statements, Designers Screenings is a vibrant celebration of film ... Marguerite Humeau/ Le Studio Humain Film Series May 1 – 20, 2016 Film ...

  3. ... Film Series Oct 1 – Dec 5, 2013 ...

  4. ... facilitating a project inspired by Marvin Lipofksy’s Series (1975). Utilizing lighting gel sheets, participants will participants ... be masked at all times. Image: Marvin Lipofksy, Series (1975), detail Free with Museum admission. ...

  5. ... RSVP to . Film Series Friday, March 25, 2016 ...

  6. ... Film Series Jul 8 – 29, 2010 ...

  7. ... $12.00 Part of the series “Dance Under the Influence of Jack Ferver” at the Museum of Arts and ... the Museum of Arts and Design. Part of the series “Dance Under the Influence of Jack Ferver” at the Museum of Arts and ...

  8. ... $12.00 Part of the series “Dance Under the Influence of Jack Ferver” at the Museum of Arts and ... the Museum of Arts and Design. Part of the series “Dance Under the Influence of Jack Ferver” at the Museum of Arts and ...

  9. ... College, where she co-organizes the experimental media series EYEWASH , Mack is a 2017–2018 Film Study Center Fellow/Roberta and ... - 6:30 pm Surface/Depth Film Series Thursday, June 7, 2018 ...

  10. ... a focus on experimental craft, the Eye on a Director series looks at underrepresented voices in film and video history and features ... of a retrospective. For the first installment of the series, MAD presents the works of groundbreaking experimental filmmaker and ...


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