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Search Results

  1. ... Vibrant Space Yes Part of the series Vibrant Space Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 7 pm ...

  2. ... 9 x 12 and 12 x 18 inches) Strathmore Bristol paper (300 series, smooth or plate finish), 8 x 10 or 9 x 12 inch sheets (can be cut down ...

  3. ... In their performances, they engage the systems through a series of unique interfaces. They also work with 3D modeling programs to design ... design partner, Christie Wright, created  Audiowear , a series of musical jewelry inspired by idiophone and aerophone instruments and ...

  4. ... creating larger, more complex forms, including a new series of cast bronze works for indoor and outdoor use. "The Museum of Arts ...

  5. ... the seventh installment of the Museum's Fellow Focus series, dedicated to highlighting the work of MAD's Artist Studios program ...

  6. ... designer Emiko Oye 's "Dawning from My First Jewels" series, assembled out of white Lego bricks, and Korean artist Choonsun Moon ...

  7. ... the most famous of the early think tanks. Through a series of events and a virtual recreation of Wohlstetter’s house, The House ...

  8. ... his revolutionary 2005 Solid polyurethane and resin chair series, produced through stereolithography (3-D rapid prototyping). If ...

  9. ... and social gatherings. The exhibition is structured as a series of immersive tableaus that presents the diverse creative output of ... of Public Programs, NYC Makers inaugurates a new series of MAD exhibitions that will examine the culture of making and highlight ...

  10. ... orchids and their unfolding, asymmetrical forms. Clarke's series of works on paper titled Night Orchid are also included in the ...


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