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Search Results

  1. ... college audiences to participants in workshops and lecture events. In Pomar’s practice, art is a tool used for social change, and to ...

  2. ... of past programs. Stay tuned for upcoming member events! Right Body 1:  Join our mailing list. ...

  3. ... has been instrumental in my ability to cope with world events during the past 15 months. Craft Artist Last Name:  ...

  4. ... of furniture or objects that memorialize important events or notable figures from American history are sandwiched in between flat ...

  5. ... in all stages of their careers. Artists and Schedule of Events 10–11 am  Jamieson Thomas / Kyle Browne / Phil Rabovsky /Amy ...

  6. ... and Docent Programs, Museum of Arts and Design. RELATED EVENTS A Moment to Breathe : Directors’ Screening Thursday, ...

  7. ... Muertos , and Samhain , to name a few––that serve as events for contemplating death and the afterlife. Additionally, there are myths ...

  8. ... Promote Sub-title:  MAD Patrons Virtual Events Curated:  ...

  9. ... $20.00 ...

  10. ... $20.00 ...


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