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Search Results

  1. ... space and time to explore, and this was the beginning of the series of fluttering works that she continues today.  Hookway received an ...

  2. ... New York. Wolff’s current body of work is a series of wall-mounted clay slabs treated with a photo transfer technique. ...

  3. ... at MAD, Morris is developing an installation composed of a series of parabolic reflector dishes.  These dishes track people within an ...

  4. ... a messy underbelly. At MAD Canning is working on a new series of contemporary tapestries that combine hand-embroidery, painted silk, ...

  5. ... inspired by properties of vitreous materials. She created a series of drinking glasses made out of cast hard candy, which looked like real ...

  6. ... technique to jump scale, creating taller vessels for her series of faux-Greek “Pots of Gold.” Unlike ancient Greek pottery, painted ...

  7. ... created a body of abstract ceramic sculpture, as well as a series of experimental monoprints on canvas in terra cotta. Davis teaches ...

  8. ... . The exhibition is part of MAD Transformations, a series of six exhibitions presented this fall that address artists who have ...

  9. ... The exhibitions are part of MAD Transformations, a series of six exhibitions presented this fall that address artists who have ...

  10. ... . The exhibitions are part of MAD Transformations, a series of six exhibitions presented this fall that address artists who have ...


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