Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

Zack Davis

2008 Artist In Residence

The work of Zack Davis strives to avoid distinctions and continuously blurs the line between extremes. He uses a variety of approaches in an effort to constantly reinterpret traditional mediums and everyday objects and situations. The results are new objects, compositions, and events that represent or characterize one system through the use of another.

At MAD, Davis aimed to create an experience for the audience by adding elements of performance to his process. Utilizing a business suit as his attire, a briefcase as his form, clay, and the potter’s wheel, he created a body of abstract ceramic sculpture, as well as a series of experimental monoprints on canvas in terra cotta.

Davis teaches K–12 art at the Browning School, New York City, and lives and works out of a studio in Brooklyn. For more information please visit his website:

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