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Search Results

  1. This fall MAD presents the series Life Forms: Workshops in Clay Jewelry as a forum for exploring the ...

  2. ... research at MIT, #Ambi_ ( was a series at the school that showcased the growing movement of contemporary ...

  3. ... co-curator of MAD’s current exhibition and public program series After the Museum: The Home Front 2013 , and feature representatives ...

  4. ... Berlin. Through these collaborations, will host a series of talks on new web-based platforms and possibilities for sharing ...

  5. ... and Derrida, as points of departure, Dixon creates a series of open participatory studies and experimental installations over three ...

  6. ... and use of fashion jewelry, artist Jessica Stoller leads a series of hands-on making workshops this summer at MAD. Reflecting topics on ...

  7. “With its series of perspectives, the display on the ground floor and the plate-glass ...

  8. ... The Time comprises four participants who will move to a series of string compositions that will be digitally manipulated live by ARP ...

  9. ... reality,  After the Museum  stages and presents a series of installations and programs that reveal the largely hidden research ...

  10. ... into his own happiness, further developed through a series of traveling exhibitions in museum environments across North America, ...


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