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Search Results

  1. ... making to the Japanese creation of precious metal clay, the series Future Forward: Workshops in Innovative Ceramic Jewelry gives both ...

  2. ... as well as conceptual implications of such clothes, the series hopes to highlight a new mood in fashion that deals in honesty, ...

  3. ... for the expert and novice alike, the hands-on workshop series Editions of You: Workshops in Photo Jewelry will explore how the ...

  4. ... of criticism in contemporary American design. Staged as a series of free roundtable discussions held in a newly commissioned “critical ...

  5. ... WantedDesign and the Museum of Arts and Design team for a series of conversations among leading US designers and manufacturers as they ...

  6. ... Body & Soul: New International Ceramics , MAD presents the series Body Modifiers: Workshops in Figurative Clay . Exploring three ...

  7. The workshop series Materializing the Postdigital introduces students to the technology ...

  8. ... in the shaping worldviews, MAD’s annual performance series Risk x Reward expands with seven new commissions that direct the ...

  9. ... Out of Hand: Materializing the Postdigital , this series of free demonstrations focuses on diverse possibilities for design ...

  10. ... The Collection of Barbara Berger —leads a practical series of hands-on workshops that demonstrate skills in adapting jewelry. ...


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