MAD will be open Mon, Jan 20.
Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

Beyond the Garment District

Perspectives on Craft and Technique in New York-Made Fashion

As the meanings of fashion and luxury shift and as mass consumption and production take a toll on the environment as well as human rights, the idea of craft in clothing has never been more pertinent. How a garment is made becomes as relevant as its design, both informing its meaning and its appeal.  Culled together from considered materials rather than punched out and assembled, it is the idea of clothing as object, fashion refashioned.

Garmento editor Jeremy Lewis discusses the ins and outs of crafting clothes in a contemporary context with some of New York's most unique and innovative fashion designers, all of whom make some if not all their clothes in New York City. Considering the practical as well as conceptual implications of such clothes, the series hopes to highlight a new mood in fashion that deals in honesty, responsibility, and a newfound desire in clothes with a more personalized history and a crafted appeal.



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