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Search Results

  1. ... at MAD on April 18, 2013 as part the "Reproducing Value" series, Silvia Federici discusses gender, the commons, and ways of approaching ...

  2. ... cultural reality, After the Museum stages and presents a series of installations and programs that reveal the largely hidden research ...

  3. ... world premiere of Skowhegan Birch #1 (from the Tree Talk series) 2012, by artist Maria Elena Gonzalez, executed on a player piano by the ...

  4. ... part of MAD's (Re)Producing Value: Incommensurable Exchange series. Program Description:Small farmers in Panama and Colombia raise many ...

  5. ... Representing both established and emerging artists, the series has laid bare the new vitality and spirit of experimentation that has ...

  6. ... design in the global arena. As the first in an ongoing series of thematic explorations of MAD’s collection, Permanently MAD ...

  7. ... the month of May the Museum of Arts and Design presents a series of engaging Public Programs, including workshops and Open Studio ...

  8. ... survey is presented as part of the MADProjects exhibition series, which explores emerging trends and innovations in the design world. ...

  9. Special highlight includes animated film series that features fantastic shorts and animation films about boys and ...

  10. ... As part of the Museum of Arts and Design's public programs series on new processes, Crossover , Screen Test explores fresh ...


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