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Search Results

  1. ... 10, 2019 Liz Collins developed her “Rays” series (2015) during her 2015 residency in the Museum of Arts and Design’s ...

  2. ... Women Founders is part of the “Fresh Dialogue” event series. These events are critical discussions that focus on current events, ...

  3. ... school ID; RSVP required Artslab is a free workshop series for teens, created by teens in MAD’s Artslife Internship Program. ...

  4. ... artists-in-residence, MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ...

  5. ... installation of the MAD Education Department’s Focus  series. Dedicated to highlighting the work of alumni of MAD’s  Artist ...

  6. ... advocacy today. For the event, Visual AIDS commissioned a series of short videos from six inspiring community organizations and ...

  7. ... artists-in-residence, MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ...

  8. ... artists-in-residence, MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ...

  9. ... started work on his third book. Initially just meant as a series of ‘notes to himself’, he now has hundreds of examples of the good, ...

  10. ... Rays is drawn from the artist’s “Rays” wallpaper series, the design of which she completed during her 2015 residency in the MAD ...


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