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Search Results

  1. ... seeks to communicate her creative world through jewels. The series evokes the contrasts, textures, and sinuosity of the American desert, ...

  2. ... diamonds to create fairy-tale pieces. She dedicates the series to the passionate man who collected the agate, and to Mother Earth. ...

  3. ... possible to elevate so-called “low” materials through a series of creative choices. Taranto knows that whatever the starting point of ...

  4. ... Indian Ocean. With her “Undersurface” and “Anemone” series, Telli explores the enchantment of the underwater world, and seeks to ...

  5. ... designed specifically for Luminaries Invitations to a series of curator-led private viewings and gallery talks Access to MAD ...

  6. ... specifically for Luminaries Invitations to a series of curator-led private viewings and gallery talks Access to MAD ...

  7. ... specifically for Luminaries Invitations to a series of curator-led private viewings and gallery talks Access to MAD ...

  8. ... that examine social themes through a queer lens. Their series of intricate embroideries and textile assemblages subvert craft forms ...

  9. ... in the United States, Sui is participating in a series of conversations at MAD with her favorite collaborators and muses. For ...

  10. ... that examine social themes through a queer lens. Their series of intricate embroideries and textile assemblages subvert craft forms ...


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