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Search Results

  1. ... This spring, the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) presents a series of exhibitions showcasing three dynamic moments in fashion that ...

  2. ... view on the 6th floor. MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ...

  3. ... narratives in clay. MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ...

  4. ... 6th floor of the Museum. MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative ...

  5. ... While in residence at MAD, Narrett will create a series of embroidered images. The project will follow characters through ...

  6. ... Project , as well as artists and outside experts, in a series of conversations on the themes of the exhibition. Hide End ...

  7. ... Thompson Royds was inspired to create, Natura Morta , a series exploring the tradition of flowers as a decorative motif in jewelry. ...

  8. ... in Françoise Grossen Selects . Part of MAD’s POV series, the exhibition displays works Grossen mined from the Museum’s ...

  9. ... the Place”, is an independently run, performance art/event series, organized and curated by j. morrison. Celebrating its first year in ...

  10. ... and manipulations. At MAD, Ziamou worked on her series “Imprinted Bodies,” a project based on her sculptures, hand-carved ...


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