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Search Results

  1. ... 26, 2017 - 7 pm Voulkos Film Series Thursday, January 26, 2017 ...

  2. ... visiting artists in the Artist Studios. Create a podcast series based on a topic of the interns' choosing. Develop and lead ...

  3. ... discussions inspired by Marvin Lipofksy’s Otaru Series # 1 (1987). Wiley will be talking about the glass blowing process, ... be masked at all times. Image: Marvin Lipofsky, Otaru Series #1 (1987), detail Workshop ...

  4. ... this program is part of AIGA NY’s Fresh Dialogue event series focusing on current events, issues of cultural relevance, and emerging ...

  5. ... The Fire Next Time (from the “Monuments and Memorials” series), 2022 ...

  6. ... part of graphic artist Harry Gordon’s Poster Dresses series and featuring arresting black-and-white photographic images; Campbell ... Paper’s content, including a curators’ talk and a series of hands-on, artist-led workshops that will invite participants to ...

  7. ... that favor simple yet singular arrangements. Her most recent series, “Daydream,” developed around the chain motif. Carried by glam, ...

  8. ... to the human form. In her “Contemporary Camouflage” series, she uses laminate, which she laser-cuts and interlocks to form ...

  9. Residency includes a series of public presentations and fashion shows New York, NY ... over a four-month period of investigation through a series of tests, research trials, lectures, and films. Through the residency, ...

  10. ... Lakelin, Column Vessel I (from “Echoes of Amphora” series), 2022. ...


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