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Search Results

  1. MAD's New Commissioned Performance Series RADIAL to Explore the "Craft of Data" in 2016 New York, NY As part of its new performance series RADIAL, the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) presents the live US ...

  2. ... Film Series Oct 7 – Nov 11, 2011 ...

  3. ... Boyle’s drawing Baptiste Kills His Father ; and a series of hands-on puppetry workshops. The exhibition is accompanied by a ...

  4. ... and political change. The four works in MAD’s new cinema series UPRISING: A Call to Action span 24 years during the growth of ... Image courtesy of Facets Multimedia. Film Series Oct 2 – Nov 11, 2016 ...

  5. of Jack Ferver MAD’s signature dance series, Dance Under the Influence, returns this fall with guest curator ... Part of the series “Dance Under the Influence of Jack Ferver” at the Museum of Arts and ...

  6. ... Friday, December 1, 2017 - 10 am Film Series Friday, December 1, 2017 Yes ...

  7. ... Film Series Mar 1 – Apr 25, 2013 ...

  8. ... Film Series Nov 22, 2011 – Mar 4, 2012 ...

  9. ... and project inspired by Marvin Lipofksy’s Venini Series (1975) from MAD’s permanent collection. Utilizing lighting gel ... be masked at all times. Image: Marvin Lipofksy, Venini Series (1975), detail Workshop ...

  10. ... Palazzo delle Esposizioni Rome.   Film Series Jan 2 – Jun 4, 2013 ...


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