Jeweler Stella Flame has created a unique series of coveted, customizable “Story Chains” that weave personalized tales of the owner, using a variety of images, amulets and gemstones exclusively tailored to each of you. No two are alike and there will never be another one created that is identical to yours.
On Thursday, June 8th from 1:30 to 8:30 Stella will be with us in The Store at MAD to work with you to create your own “Story Chains” - a completely fresh take on your grandmother's charm bracelet. Your chain can tell us where you've been, what your aspirations are, who’s in your life, or show us where you're going – they are rooted in your history and your future and are pure 21st Century.
As Stella says, “It's your story.” Adorn yourself while making your personal, signature statement with this timeless, elegant and powerful necklace.”