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A Spotlight on French Animation: The Jungle Bunch

Wed, Feb 6 / 4 pm

Showcasing the burgeoning world of 3D French animation, MAD is pleased to present the feature length children’s animation The Jungle Bunch.  Nomaited for a 2013 International Emmy@kids awardThe Jungle Bunch is tale of a confused penguin, Maurice (voiced by John Lithgow), who has grown up in the jungle and believes himself to be a tiger.  When two penguins from his Antarctic arrive to seek his help, Maurice gathers a rag tag group of jungle friends to protect his homeland.

With memorable characters and fun for the whole family plot, The Jungle Bunch showcases the growing genre of 3D children's animation emerging out of France.


A Spotlight on French Animation: The Jungle Bunch is made possible through the support of the cultural services of the French Embassy



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