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Music at the eye’s level with Ethan Philbrick

Thu, Feb 7, 2019

Experience performances by some of New York’s most exciting musicians in response to Anne Lindberg’s the eye’s level, a site-specific installation that uses hundreds of strings to evoke a cool ray of light raking across the gallery. Each musician will enliven the gallery to create a resonant space between the strings of their respective instruments and the strings in Lindberg’s work.

Ethan Philbrick is a composer, cellist, and writer. He has performed original work in New York at NYU Skirball, BRIC, SculptureCenter, Abrons Arts Center, and the Grey Art Gallery. His writing has been published in The Drama ReviewPAJWomen & PerformanceStudies in Gender and Sexuality, and the Movement Research Performance Journal. He is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies at Muhlenberg College. Recent musical projects include a choral setting of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ Manifesto of the Communist Party and a series of participatory pieces for solo cello that engage with the legacy of cellist and performance artist Charlotte Moorman. Philbrick holds a PhD in Performance Studies from New York University.

Music at the eye’s level is organized by Ethan Philbrick, cellist and composer, and Lydia Brawner, Manager of Public Programs at MAD.

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