Join the Museum of Arts and Design for a summer getaway to the east end of Long Island! We start our day with a guided visit to the Pollock-Krasner House, the former home and studio of Abstract Expressionist painters, Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner; followed by a guided visit to see the collection and gardens at the LongHouse Reserve; we end the day with a visit to the new Parrish Art Museum with Terrie Sultan, Director of the Museum before heading back to the city. MAD’s International Curator Lowery Stokes Sims will provide curatorial commentary throughout the trip.
$220 MAD Members/$250 Non-Members
To register, please download the registration form here. A completed registration form and full payment must be received in advance of the trip by Wednesday, July 3, 2013. Please e-mail completed form to patrons@madmuseum.org or fax to 212.299.7701. For trip-related questions, please contact Patty Tsai at 212.299.7758.
Not a member? Click here to join!
You will be directed to The Store at MAD for payment.
7:45am: Guest arrival at the Museum
Guests meet at the Museum at 2 Columbus Circle on Thursday, July 11, 2013.
8:00am: Guest departure from the Museum
Guests will travel via private chartered bus to the Pollock-Krasner House & Study Center.
Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center
The group will be guided through a visit of the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center, the former home and workspace of artists Jackson Pollock and his wife, Lee Krasner Pollock. The house contains all the furnishings and artifacts that were in the house at the time of Krasner’s death in 1984, and features changing exhibitions of artwork related to the Study Center’s mission. The studio floor documents the evolution of many of Pollock’s masterpieces, including Autumn Rhythm, Convergence, and Blue Poles. Krasner preferred to tack her canvases on the walls, where the lively gestures and brilliant colors found in her expressive abstractions are still visible.
A pre-fixe lunch will be provided at a local seasonal restaurant.
Longhouse Reserve
Founded by Jack Lenor Larsen, LongHouse embraces a comprehensive view of art. Guests will be guided through the collections and gardens to view the ethnographic works and handcrafts alongside modern masterpieces. Mr. Larsen will welcome the group, including a discussion on LongHouse Reserve and the collections he has acquired. Art in the Garden displays permanent works along with seasonal loans from artists, collectors, and dealers. Highlights include Red Garden, designed by founder Jack Lenor Larsen; Cobalt Spears, a glass installation by Dale Chihuly; and Reclining Figure by Willem de Kooning, a sculptural work by one of America’s best known Abstract Expressionists.
Parrish Art Museum
Museum Director, Terrie Sultan will welcome the group and take guests on a tour of the newly opened Parrish Art Museum designed by Herzog & de Meuron. The Museum opened the doors of its new, 34,400-square-foot building in November of 2012. The new Parrish includes 12,200 square feet of exhibition space—three times that of the Museum’s former home on Jobs Lane in Southampton. Seven sky-lit galleries devoted to the permanent collection showcase the story of America’s most enduring and influential artists’ colony—Eastern Long Island.
7:30pm*: Projected arrival back at 2 Columbus Circle.
Optional add on for July 11 or tickets available for independent travel to:
Hamptons Art Fairs
artMRKT Hamptons, July 11 – 14, 2013
Modern and Contemporary fair featuring over 40 national galleries, taking place on the grounds of the Bridgehampton Historical Society. Members are invited to the Opening Night Party at 7:00pm. To attend, please register online here.
ArtHamptons, July 11 – 14, 2013
The Hamptons premiere fine art fair, presenting 70 national and international galleries with a focus on blue chip and emerging contemporary art, will take place at the Sculpture Fields of Nova’s Ark. Members are invited to the Opening Preview Party at 6:30pm. To attend, please contact Patty Tsai at patrons@madmuseum.org.
Please note: July 11 day trip guests who wish to stay on for the Hamptons art fairs will need to make their own return travel arrangements.
CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS: Participants may cancel their trip up until Wednesday, July 3, 2013. After that date, full cost of the trip is non-refundable. The Museum of Arts and Design reserves the right to cancel the trip if there are fewer than 15 participants or for unforeseeable circumstances. Upon reservation, participants assume responsibility for their physical abilities to travel and must notify the Museum of any health or physical conditions and/or allergies (including dietary restrictions) that may hinder their ability to fully participate in this trip.
RESERVATION AND ITINERARY POLICY: This trip may be limited to 30 participants and reservations will be taken in order of receipt on a first-come, first-serve basis. The itinerary provided is provisional. If any changes are made, be assured that the quality of the program will be maintained. The trip includes transportation via private coach; pick-up and drop off at the Museum of Arts and Design; curatorial comment; lunch; gratuities; admission fees, administration costs; and tour preparation. We encourage you to wear comfortable shoes and dress appropriately for the weather.
*Please note that we cannot guarantee an exact return time to the Museum of Arts and Design due to traffic and unforeseen road conditions. All participants will return to the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City. The coach cannot make stops before returning to the Museum.