Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

MADmakes with Mimi Bai

Thu, Jan 11, 2018

Learn how to create open-faced molds with artist-in-residence Mimi Bai. Visitors will imprint a variety of textiles and patterns into clay using their fingers and simple clay tools, and then learn how to mix and pour plaster to cast their own creations. Bai will explain various ways molds are used in her own work and also show visitors how to cast small objects—so bring something from home to experiment with!

Led by MAD’s artists-in-residence, MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can test their skills at art making and creative production. MADmakes provides an opportunity for visitors to better understand and appreciate the workmanship that goes into contemporary studio practice today. Visitors of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels are invited to create something new every month. 

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