Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

MAD Professional Development for Teachers

Tue, Nov 6, 2012

MAD invites you to a Professional Development for Teachers for our latest exhibition Doris Duke's Shangri La: Architecture, Landscape, and Islamic Art.

Shahzia Sikander, featured contemporary artist in the exhibition who was an artist in residence at Shangri La, will start the morning with a seminar/ discussion on her work and the impact of her residency on her practice.  MAD's teaching artist will lead a gallery discussion and address concerns and interests for teachers such as the implementation and integration within the school curriculum.

Using the exhibition as a foundation, teachers will participate in the afternoon workshop facilitated by Tam Tran, designer and metalsmith. Tam  uses ancient jewelry techniques to create work influenced by the history and cultures. Teachers will also have the opportunity to network with other educators while supplementing their existing knowledge of contemporary art, craft, and design.  MAD's Professional Development for Teachers is designed for K-12 educators in all subjects.

8:30 am                                  Registration

9:00 am                                  Welcome

9:15 am – 10:30 am               Shahzia Sikander, artist


10:30 am – 11:30am               Gallery tour

11:30 am – 12:30 pm              Lunch

12:30– 3:00 pm                      Workshop with Tam Tran,

                                              designer and metalsmith

3:00  –3:30 pm                       Sharing and evaluation


For more information:

Save the date for Teachers Professional Development on Monday January 28, 2013 and Thursday June 6, 2013.


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