MAD Members Brooklyn Day Trip

Tue, Jul 24, 2018

Join MAD for a special daylong art adventure to Brooklyn! The day will include a visit to Pioneer Works in Red Hook with a broad overview of the facilities. In the afternoon, the group will visit The Brooklyn Navy Yard, which includes visits to prominent artists’ studios.

$175 per person

To register, please download the registration form here. A completed registration form and full payment must be received by Tuesday, July 17, 2018. Please e-mail the completed form to or fax to 212.299.7701. For trip-related questions, please contact Lucig Kebranian at 212.299.7732.

10:00 am: Guest arrival at the Museum

Guests will meet at the Museum at 2 Columbus Circle. 

10:15 am: Prompt departure from the Museum

Guests will travel via private motor coach to Pioneer Works in Brooklyn.

Pioneer Works

Residency Director, Regine Basha will guide the group around the Pioneer Works. Highlights will include the Residency, the Science Studios, the Tech and Virtual Reality Lab, the Garden and Music Studio. We will conclude with a visit to artist Dustin Yellin's studio.

Lunch at a local restaurant (tbd)

The Brooklyn Navy Yard

Guests will be guided through the Brooklyn Navy Yard by Carli Beseau, Executive Director, Exhibits & Programs, as they visit the studios of Nancy Bowen, Beth Campbell, SITU, Colin Thomson, and Lindsay Walt.

Nancy Bowen

Bowen is a mixed media artist known for her eclectic mixtures of imagery and materials in both two and three dimensions. Her sculpture and drawing exists in an in-between zone of form and idea, of abstraction and representation. Her work offers a poetic commentary on our quickly changing material culture. Like an artistic archeologist in this age of globalization and post-industrialization, she salvages (often disappearing) ornament and craft traditions and incorporates them into sculpture and drawings.

Beth Campbell

Known for her drawings, sculpture, and architectural interventions, Campbell creates works that challenge the notion of a physical world beyond our perception. Drawing upon philosophy, phenomenology and psychology, Campbell choreographs spaces, crafts uncanny objects, and maps thought.


SITU is a multi-disciplinary architecture studio with a focus on designing unconventional spaces to maximize creative and social impact. Their projects are incredibly unique, adaptative, and driven by research that is not tethered to any stylistic of formal limitations. Their clients include academic institutions to museums to high-end commercial spaces. 

Lindsay Walt

Walt’s starting point for her inspiration is the perceptual shift of color and light found in natural phenomena. Often, the abstract compositions in the Walt’s paintings reference landscape and seascape, particularly the amorphous border where the two merge. Other works allude to a state of weightlessness free from the constraints of gravity.

Colin Thomson

Thomson’s painting ideas develop through drawings and watercolors. His sources include Islamic tiles, graphic design, African textiles, architectural plans, maps, cartoons, and the landscape. 

6:00 pm*: Projected return to 2 Columbus Circle. 



This trip may be limited to 25 participants and reservations will be taken in order of receipt on a first-come, first-serve basis. The itinerary provided is provisional. If any changes are made, be assured that the quality of the program will be maintained. The trip includes transportation via private coach; pick-up and drop off at MAD; curatorial comment; lunch; gratuities; administration costs; and tour preparation. We encourage you to wear comfortable shoes and dress appropriately for the weather.

CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS: Participants may cancel their trip up until Tuesday, July 17, 2018. After that date, the full cost of the trip is non-refundable. MAD reserves the right to cancel the trip if there are fewer than 15 participants or for unforeseeable circumstances. Upon reservation, participants assume responsibility for their physical abilities to travel and must notify the Museum of any health or physical conditions and/or allergies (including dietary restrictions) that may hinder their ability to fully participate in this trip.

*Please note that we cannot guarantee an exact return time to MAD due to traffic and unforeseen road conditions. All participants will return to MAD at 2 Columbus Circle. The coach cannot make stops before returning to the Museum.

Please review our health and safety protocols before you arrive. MAD strongly recommends all visitors six months and older are vaccinated against Covid-19 and visitors ages two and up wear face coverings, even if vaccinated. Thank you for your cooperation.

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