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Search Results

  1. ... social concerns. Over the past year, PhxArt mounted a robust series of online programs during its nearly seven-month closure due to COVID-19 ...

  2. ... as a position of power rather than shame. MAD's POV series invites guests' perspectives on the Museum's permanent collection ... Crime Is Beautiful...  is part of MAD Transformations, a series of six exhibitions presented this fall that address artists who have ...

  3. ... Drawing inspiration from BOMB’s Room with a View series of virtual talks between artists and writers, this event is ...

  4. ... contributed an ethereal landscape in the same spirit as a series begun during the pandemic while Hunt Slonem gamely adapted his ...

  5. ... Created by MAD’s 2020 Artslife teen interns, a three-part series inspired by the teens’ critical inquiries into the contributions of ...

  6. ... Created by MAD’s 2020 Artslife teen interns, a three-part series inspired by the teens’ critical inquiries into the contributions of ...

  7. ... Created by MAD’s 2020 Artslife teen interns, a three-part series inspired by the teens’ critical inquiries into the contributions of ...

  8. ... of specific events in the artist’s life:  the Horizon series came immediately after his move from Germany to Australia and reflects ... to a dramatically different landscape, while the Impact series is a visceral reaction to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. ...

  9. ... and invited collective unmaking. In her Common Sense series, participants were encouraged to unravel her textile installations and ...

  10. ... as a  continuation of her “Rewriting History” series. In this work, Jean-Louis is interested in exploring the feelings ...


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