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Search Results

  1. ... questions. This event is part of Infraordinary , a series of hands-on workshops exploring the potential of everyday, industrially ...

  2. ... workshop. MADmakes is a drop-in, hands-on educational series that invites visitors to learn the artists' own methods and test their skills at art making and creative production. The series engages visitors in various techniques and ideas, facilitating greater ...

  3. ... the Museum of Arts and Design, the exhibition will include a series of “live” installations that will allow museumgoers to interact ... of MAD’s groundbreaking Materials and Process exhibition series, which explores wide-ranging artistic approaches to traditional and ...

  4. Building from a series of open studies that took place at MAD throughout the summer of 2013, artist/designer Keetra Dean Dixon presents a series of experiential installations that explore the distance between language ... Studio 6th floor Building from a series of open studies that took place at MAD throughout the summer of 2013, ...

  5. ... Nationale de Sèvres, 2000 Temple Series I , 1989 Glass Museum of Arts and Design; gift of the artist, ...

  6. ... surreal and meditative world of Crafts Abyss , a video series that explores the fuzzy boundaries of the World Wide Web. In a virtual crafting bee inspired by the fourth episode of the series, (itself inspired by Allan Wexler from MAD's permanent collection), ...

  7. ... following works: The three sculptures in Buddha Series (2013) are multi-figural compositions that allude to the four ... Color: Workshops in Glass Beaded Jewelry This workshop series Your Local Color: Workshops in Glass Beaded Jewelry explores how ...

  8. ... this program is part of AIGA NY’s Fresh Dialogue event series focusing on current events, issues of cultural relevance, and emerging ...

  9. ... residents of the Artist Studios. It is a drop-in, hands-on series where visitors can learn the artists' own methods and test their skills ... While in residence at MAD, Garrett is developing a new series of casted objects using mold-making and slip casting techniques. In ...

  10. ... of the MAD Education Department’s Fellow Focus series . Dedicated to highlighting the work of alumni of the Van Lier ...


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