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Search Results

  1. ... stay relevant and competitive in the design field. Event Series: Fresh Dialogue These events are critical discussions that focus on ...

  2. ... , part of the  Craft Front & Center  exhibition series, has been made possible by a major grant from the National Endowment ...

  3. ... Panelstory (1980) on Thursday, July 24, the series features the following highlights: A selection of foreign films, ... the future of cinema in New York City. ABOUT THE SERIES Spectacle’s MAD series is administered by Greg Eggebeen, feature ...

  4. ... Studios Program alum Cynthia Alberto presents Techno-Love Series , an interactive audiovisual exhibit that activates thirty of her ... Alberto’s interactive audiovisual exhibit  Techno-Love Series .   With Cynthia Alberto Free with ...

  5. ...   New York, NY Two cinema series on two unique, unconventional figures — the American film actor and ... screenings, panel discussions, and live acts of style. The series makes use of cinema not only as method of documentation, but also as a ...

  6. ... , part of the  Craft Front & Center  exhibition series, has been made possible by a major grant from the National Endowment ...

  7. ... a focus on experimental craft, the Eye on a Director series looks at underrepresented voices in film and video history and features ... of a retrospective. For the first installment of the series, MAD presents the works of groundbreaking experimental filmmaker and ...

  8. ... film event is part of  OUT at the Movies ,  a cinema series to accompany the exhibition  OUT of the Jewelry Box .   Inspired ... focus on queer perspectives expressed in art jewelry, the series draws attention to the role of film in the construction of queer ...

  9. ... film event is part of  OUT at the Movies ,  a cinema series to accompany the exhibition  OUT of the Jewelry Box .   Inspired ... focus on queer perspectives expressed in art jewelry, the series draws attention to the role of film in the construction of queer ...

  10. ... Making a Scene: Objects for Performance , a series examining the role of objects in performance today. Making a Scene ... commissioned, live performances. Over the course of the series, Museum visitors are encouraged to meet and engage with participating ...


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