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The Store at MAD

New York's Latest Shopping Oasis - The Store at MAD

Pushing Boundaries of being a “Museum Shop”, Store Offers High Quality Arts and Design Products that Preserve Essence of "Made-by-Hand" Yet Utilize Latest Design Technology

This is Easily the Most High-End Museum Gift Shop in the Country. - The Wall Street Journal

New York, NY (December 12, 2008)

Since moving to its new location at 2 Columbus Circle, The Store at MAD has become a premier shopping destination for both New Yorkers and visitors to the city alike. Regularly visited by celebrities including Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Liza Minnelli, Danny Glover, and Halle Berry as well as diplomats and dignitaries including Madeline Albright, Majesty Empress Farah Pahlavi and Princess Marianne of Sweden, The Store at MAD, with its cohesive presentation of well-designed craft and design objects, has been successful in building a bridge between its customers, the product and the makers.

The Store is overseen by Franci Sagar, Director and Vice President of Retail and Brand Development at MAD, who brings ten years’ experience as a retail and marketing consultant to MAD. Prior to her work as a consultant, Ms. Sagar was co-owner of ZONA, a world-class retail brand credited with having created the concept of the “lifestyle store”, and with revolutionizing the upscale gift, personal accessories and home furnishing markets.

“Because of the museum's mission to explore how craft, art and design intersect, The Store at MAD is in a unique position. We have been able to push the boundaries of being a "museum shop" and instead, we are a "specialty store" offering a presentation of product that crosses over into many diverse categories,” states Ms. Sagar. “The Store offers products that preserve the essence of "made-by-hand" and yet the artists or designers whose work is represented have utilized some of the latest design technology in the execution of their ideas. Most importantly, however, is that the techniques employed have not been "sped up" to the point that the final products have lost their connection to the hand and soul of their creators,“ says Sagar.

Products exclusive to The Store at MAD include work from North America as well as from many international destinations known for their celebration of natural materials and workmanship including England, Germany, Italy, Turkey, and Japan. The Store’s product offering ranges from jewelry to glass, ceramics to wood, home design and fashion accessories, as well as a well-curated selection of cards, stationary, children’s products and books.

Due to great demand, The Store is extending its hours during the month of December from 10:00am to 8:00pm on Mondays and Saturdays, 10:00am to 9:00pm on Tuesday through Fridays. Museum hours on Sunday are 10:00am to 6:00pm. As part of the MAD Holiday Shopping Days, museum members enjoy at 25% discount on all purchases through December 31. Shoppers may join on the spot in The Store and receive their immediate 25% discount and a promotional gift. All proceeds support the exhibitions and educational programs of the Museum of Arts and Design.

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