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Museum of Arts and Design to Partner with Fountain Art Fair for a VIP VISITOR PREVIEW DAY on March 4, 2010, 11:00 - 7:00PM

Guests will be the first to view over 20 progressive new art projects presented by Fountain Art Fair

New York, NY (February 15, 2010)

For the first time, the Museum of Arts and Design will partner with Fountain Art Fair, the alternative pick for NYC’s 2010 Armory weekend running March 4 – 7, 2010. Fountain Art Fair is known for presenting cutting-edge and independent art galleries. The Museum of Arts and Design, which is currently presenting Slash: Paper Under the Knife, the critically acclaimed exhibition of cut paper works, will partner with Fountain Art Fair for a VIP Preview Day on Thursday, March 4, from 11:00am to 7:00pm at the art fair on Pier 66 in Chelsea’s Frying Pan (26th Street and Hudson River Park).

Providing an exclusive advance entrance to see the 20 diverse art projects, guests will have the opportunity to be the first to view the latest undertakings included in the fair, such as Lyons Weir Gallery’s presentation of The Art Bazaar, Christina Ray’s Swoon Benefit for the Braddock PA Studios, Zeitgeist Gallery’s exhibition from Paris, the Brooklyn-based project Open Ground, and We-Are-Familia which will be displaying their keep-sake boxes and work from Whitney Biennale 2010 artist Rashaad Newsome.

Fountain’s final list of exhibitors is rounded out by the recent addition of Gawker Artists and Temporary States, Shelter Island based Sara Nightingale Gallery, and Boltax Gallery who will host Nuala Clarke’s “One of One Thousand Worlds” in the Lackawanna Caboose. Recent additions also include installations by Miami based artist Miguel Paredes, New York based Seth Mathurin, and a return of the Murder Lounge artists collective, plus video installations by Allison Berkoy on the Frying Pan, a New York historical landmark. A full list of participants is available below.

Tickets to the Museum of Arts and Design VIP Preview Day are $20 in advance and include a Friday through Sunday Weekend Pass to the Fountain Art Fair as well as a 10% discount on membership to the Museum of Arts and Design. Ticket sales directly benefit the museum and are available online at and at both and Tickets to the preview will also be available the day of for $25.

Following the Museum of Arts and Design VIP Preview Day, Fountain Art Fair will be open to the public, Friday through Sunday, March 5–7, from 11:00 am until 7:00pm. An opening night reception will be held Friday evening from 7:00pm until midnight.

Art Bazaar
, New York * ArtSlant, Los Angeles * Boltax Gallery, Shelter Island * Christina Ray, New York * CREON Gallery, New York * Galerie Zeitgeist, Paris * Greg Haberny, New York * Holster Projects, London * Leo Kesting, New York * Nudashank, Baltimore * Open Ground, Brooklyn * Sara Nightingale, Shelter Island * We-Are-Familia, New York

Independent Artist Projects: Allison Berkoy, Brooklyn * Gawker Artists, New York * Miguel Paredes, Miami * Murder Lounge, Boston/New York * Seth Mathurin, New York * Temporary States, New York


Fountain NY 2010
Pier 66 at 26th St in Hudson River Park NY, NY 10011
Telephone: 917.650.3760
Dates: March 4-7; 11:00am–7:00pm

VIP/Press Preview for MAD Museum: Thursday March 4, from 11:00am to 7:00pm

Reception for the public: Friday, March 5; 7:00pm–midnight
Cost: Suggested donation of $10 at the door for all weekend access

The Museum of Arts and Design explores how craftsmanship, art, and design intersect in the visual arts today. The Museum focuses on contemporary creativity and the ways in which artists and designers from around the world transform materials through processes ranging from the handmade to cutting edge technologies.

The Museum’s exhibition program explores and illuminates issues and ideas, highlights creativity and craftsmanship, and celebrates the limitless potential of materials and techniques when used by creative and innovative artists. MAD’s permanent collection is global in scope and focuses on art, craft, and design from 1950 to the present day.

At the center of the Museum’s mission is education. The Museum’s dynamic new facility features classrooms and studios for master classes, seminars, and workshops for students, families and adults. Three open artist studios engage visitors in the creative processes of artists at work and enhance the exhibition programs. Lectures, films, performances and symposia related to the Museum’s collection and topical subjects affecting the world of contemporary art, craft and design are held in a renovated 144-seat auditorium.

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