MAD is open Monday, Feb 17, for Presidents’ Day.
Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

Scott Schuldt

2014 Artist In Residence

Scott Schuldt was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  He earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota.  He quit engineering in 2005 to pursue artwork on a fulltime basis.  He moved from Seattle to Connecticut in 2012.

A self-taught artist, he figured out his first art medium, hand-sewn bead embroidery, while teaching himself about Native American Art.  Recent works are derived from a process of environmental exploration and include hand-surveyed-hand-drawn maps, drawing, photography, video, sculpture, installation art, and beadwork.  Since 2008, he has documented every one of his nearly 500 canoe trips in a blog, ‘The View from the Canoe’ (

The first work he exhibited, in 2003, was purchased by Museum of Arts and Design in 2004. 

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