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Helena Starcevic

2013 Artist In Residence

“Camping expeditions in the California desert influenced my appreciation for the stark beauty of nature’s deceptively barren landscapes. My ultimate goal is to bring this deference to my work.” Focusing on form over decoration, Helena Starcevic makes multiple parts that are assembled into larger compositions, forming communities while maintaining the individuals’ identities.

At MAD, Starcevic invited visitors to write something deeply meaningful on paper, which she enclosed inside clay pods. This collaborative process provoked discussion with adults and children alike. She was often asked where their “thoughts” would go when the paper burned during the firing—and of course, they became part of the piece. When people share from the heart, a deep level of connection is achieved.

Starcevic received her BA from the University of California, Santa Barbara and recently was an artist-in-residence at the Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts. Her studio is in the South Bronx. For more information please visit her website:

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