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Christa Pratt

2017 Artist In Residence

Christa Pratt

Christa Pratt’s paintings use many variations of the color black to render, representationally and/or abstractly, herself and black women and femmes. She utilizes the freedom of modern paint materials/pigments and the process of painting as a method of creating community and self-awareness, as a spiritual outlet, and as a means to explore the simultaneous limitations and liberations of blackness and womanhood.

During her residency at MAD, Pratt will continue her meditations on the psychological effects of gender and race through her series of Planet paintings, as well as her ongoing series of black-on-black portrait paintings. She will be using beauty materials and modern paint technology to continue celebrating Womanism and the freedom in painting.

Born in the Bronx but raised in the South, she received her BFA in Painting from Pratt Institute. She has exhibited her work nationally. For more information, please visit:

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