Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

Caitlin Morris

2015 Artist In Residence

Caitlin Morris

Caitlin Morris works in an area between architecture, electronics and programming; using technology to enable relationships and interactions outside of the constraints of traditional built spaces.  She explores the way we perceive ourselves and those around us through interactive built environments.

While at MAD, Morris is developing an installation composed of a series of parabolic reflector dishes.  These dishes track people within an environment and adjust themselves so that each visitor is the focal point of a reflector.  This creates a psychoacoustic affect that makes each person think sounds are emanating from within themselves, giving visitors an opportunity to experience environments beyond the limits of everyday reality.

Morris received a dual BA from Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute and her MFA from Parsons, the New School.  She is adjunct faculty at Parsons, and also teaches and exhibits internationally. For more information on Morris, visit her website:

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