Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

Brigitta Varadi

2019 Artist In Residence


Utilizing painting, textile, video, and public engagement, Brigitta Varadi explores cultural traditions that relate to the invisible, everyday rituals of working life. She examines the disappearing traditions and daily activities of small, secluded communities around the world: from her grandmother mopping the kitchen floor several times a day to the “liberty” tea made by inhabitants of New York State and the marking system of the dwindling community of shepherds in Ireland. 

At MAD, Varadi will focus on a community-based research project commissioned by Burlington City Arts (BCA), an arts education and studio center in Burlington, Vermont. The project will investigate traditional methods and sustainable local materials. In addition to working with raw wool to explore artisan felting and dyeing techniques, Varadi will gather local clay from Shelburne Farms to create three thousand wood-fired tiles, referencing the cleaning and restoration of three thousand porcelain tiles from the farm’s original historic home. Her residency at MAD and Shelburne Farms will culminate in a solo exhibit at the BCA Center, Vermont, in February 2020.  

For more information, visit

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