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MAD is closed today

Studio Sunday

Meet artist educators Cheri Ehrlich and Stephanie Beck for a zen afternoon of beading techniques 

Sun, Mar 1, 2015

Lava Lavender, ca. 2000

Studio Sundays, held once monthly offers countless opportunities to learn and explore. These intergenerational workshops are included with museum admission for families to work with artist-educators who provide insight into creative processes, inspired by MAD’s exhibitions. Each Studio Sunday workshop is unique, and open to anyone age 6 and up.


Learn the traditional beading technique of Peyote stich, which enables artists to weave thread and beads into incredible patterns and even three-dimensional forms. By working with larger plastic pony beads, kids can experience this versatile technique known in many cultures around the world. Artist Educators Cheri Ehrlich and Stephanie Beck will guide participants every step of the way!

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