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Payal Kadakia and Sa Dance Company, Khaleah London, Jodi Melnick, and Stephen Petronio

Fri, May 4, 2012

The Sa Dance Company has earned acclaim for its mastery of many traditions and its expression of the Indian-American identity through creative choreography.  Sa held its premiere NYC showcase at The Ailey Citigroup Theater,  and were honorable guests at both the  Indo-American Arts Council’s "Erasing Borders 2009: Festival of Indian Dance and The Peabody Essex Museum's "Sensational India!" exhibition.

“No less winning was the Bollywood team, the Sa Dance Company, lip-synching as they danced with irresistible good humor and high energy. The two young women who sustained a central duet – breathtakingly pretty - combined stamina, skill and wonderful glee.” Alastair Macaulay, The New York Times


Khaleah London has performed with companies in the UK, Trinidad, and in the United States, and made her debut with her own troupe, Layers, in Senegal in 2009. Her works have been presented at Dance Theater Workshop and Symphony Space, among others. She gives workshops at Ballet Hispanico, Long Island University and Yale University.

“Khaleah London’s precision is for the sinuous—a fusion of modern dance and Africanisms—and she presents herself to us with focused dignity. She’s one gorgeous creature.” Deborah Jowitt, The Village Voice


Jodi Melnick has performed with the Twyla Tharp Dance Company and choreographers Sara Rudner, John Jasperse and Vicky Shick, at venues such as The Kitchen and La Mama, among others. She was a guest artist with the Trisha Brown Dance Company and has collaborated and performed in the video/film works of Burt Barr and Charles Atlas. She won two “Bessie” awards for sustained achievement in dance in 2001 and 2008.

“Jodi Melnick is a force of nature. Trying to convey her brilliance is like trying to grasp a silver trout in a running stream. Deborah Jowitt, The Village Voice


Stephen Petronio has built a body of work with some of the world’s most talented and provocative artists including composers Nico Muhly, Laurie Anderson, and Diamanda Galás; visual artists Cindy Sherman and Anish Kapoor, and fashion designer Benjamin Cho and the late performance artist Leigh Bowery.  Founded in 1984, his company has performed in 26 countries, and won commissions from Dance Umbrella Festival/London, Festival International Montpellier-Danse, and The Joyce Theaterand Wexner Center for the Arts.

“Petronio has a singular knack for pairing his sexually charged, elegantly virtuosic movement language with some of the hottest musicians and fashion designers of the moment.” Claudia La Rocco, The New York Times


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