MAD will be open on Mon, May 6.

MAD Luminaries LIVE! PRIDE Brunch 2nd Edition

Sat, Jun 26, 2021

The MAD Luminaries will be LIVE! at Creator House for this second edition of their PRIDE Brunch. Everyone is invited to join this in-person and live-streamed event, celebrating PRIDE and dedicated to inspiring others to advocate for the future of art, design, and craft. 

12 pm:  Enjoy the MAD Bar offering unlimited Rose, Champagne, and a designer MAD PRIDE Cocktail, plus delectable brunch snacks. Spin to the beats of DJ Timo Weiland. Meet and mingle with prominent, knowledgeable, passionate people who are committed to equity and diversity in the arts.

1 pm: Grab your beverage and take a seat as MAD Luminaries Co-Chairs Alexander Hankin and Timo Weiland lead a conversation about queer art with true “luminaries” of the art field Andre Springer, Chris Bogia, and Lutfi Janania.

2 pm: Explore the Creator House rooftop, chat with the artists, make plans to visit MAD with your new friends to meet Machine Dazzle, in residence starting June 21!


Luminaries Members: $65

Nonmembers: $100 

Join today for only $300 and your ticket is included. Plus! Get on the exclusive invite list for the MAD Art at the Beach Bash, August 21.

Funds raised through this event directly support the MAD Artist Studios program, an on-site residency for emerging artists from underrepresented communities. Since 2008, nearly 200 artists have participated in this program and are part of an expansive MAD community.

Please review our health and safety protocols before you arrive. MAD strongly recommends all visitors six months and older are vaccinated against Covid-19 and visitors ages two and up wear face coverings, even if vaccinated. Thank you for your cooperation.

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