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Crispin Hellion Glover's Big Slide Show Part 2 and It is Fine! EVERYTHING IS FINE.

Fri, Jun 7 / 7 pm

Crispin Hellion Glover's Big Slide Show Part 2

Crispin Glover’s uniquely personal and singular roadshow, The Big Slideshow, precedes screenings of his films. Part storytime and part hypnotic performance art, it is described by the artist as a “one-hour dramatic narration of eight different profusely illustrated books [he has] made over the years,” delivered with the intensity of a revival tent preacher. Afterward, Mr. Glover will be on hand for a Q&A and book signing.


2007, dir. Crispin Glover and David Brothers

With Margit Carstensen, Steven C. Stewart, Carrie Szlasa
74 min. 35mm

Written by the film’s lead actor, Steven C. Stewart (who appeared in What Is it?), It Is Fine! Everything Is Fine. is centered around the psycho-sexual fantasies of a man with cerebral palsy who has a fetish for girls with long hair. Unable to express his desires in reality, Stewart’s character expresses the twisted, murderous fantasy of someone driven over the edge by frustration, misunderstanding, and neglect. Glover and co-director David Brothers take great pains to adapt Stewart’s point of view, offering a direct encounter with a handicapped person never before attempted on screen.


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