Over the course of this afternoon-long, hands-on workshop, participants create their very own clay stamps, slabs and rollers using personally designed images, patterns and textures taken from found objects. Once bisqued, these can be used to create a variety of surfaces, repeating patterns and unique textures to be used in future projects.
The use of stamps for the decoration of ceramic surfaces has been used since the beginning of the third millennium B.C. In Ancient Mesopotamia, Sumerians printed on the damp surface of clay in order to depict and preserve texts. Since that time, this technique has been used all across the world and in a variety of ways: from the cordmarked textures found on Japanese ceramic vessels of the Jōmon period, to the writings and patterns that were stamped onto bricks and tiles during Roman times, apparently as a guarantee of quality.
These techniques are still being used today and are considered to be a staple tool in any ceramic studio.