We have an all-new voting process in New York State. Those of you who tested it out in the primaries, please come join in our discussion of the changes. And those of you planning to vote in state elections on November 2, please come listen in on all you have to look forward to.
Ariel Kaminer (City Critic, The New York Times), Julia Lasky (Change Observer) and Jessica Friedman Hewitt (AIGA Design for Democracy) will take a close look at the context, impact and opportunities surrounding a redesign of the voting process, then we will open the discussion to the audience.
To catch up on the conversation, view Ariel's reporting on the new process or visit the New York State Board of Elections website. Ariel Kaminer writes the City Critic column for The New York Times. Julie Lasky is editor of Change Observer, former editor-in-chief of ID Magazine and Interiors, and former managing editor of Print. She has contributed to Metropolis, Dwell, Eye, Slate and NPR. Jessica Friedman Hewitt is former managing director of Design for Democracy, an AIGA initiative that demonstrates the value of design by making critical civic interactions more understandable, efficient, and trustworthy. There, she helped states, counties, vendors and legislators apply AIGA’s national election design guidelines. Previously, she directed user experience research and design teams in the agency world, provided user interfaces for emerging software solutions at IBM, and co-chaired Chicago’s SIGCHI chapter.
Image from "Design-a-Better-Ballot," a collaborative call for entries from AIGA NY and The New York Times City Room. Local Projects suggests voting at home might make for the best voting process.
"Design +" is an ongoing series that will examine the process of co-creation. It is one part of the larger Members Series and so caters to members' concerns for content, networking and price. Our world is becoming increasingly cross-discip(l)inary. Join us to discover the pros and cons of working with experts in our field and others.