Exploring new possibilities in content, technique, and distribution, many of today’s pioneering artists continue to complicate and expand the possibilities and trajectories for animation. From works developed for online viewing, self- generating 3D creations, new forms of archives, mash-ups, hand-drawn and computer-generated works, “2D/3D/4D: Contemporary Artist Animations” surveys some of today's emerging innovators of animated practices.
Works Presented Include
Walk for Walk 2005, dir. Amy Lockhart 11:00 min, digital projection
Versions 2010, Dir. Oliver Laric 09:00 min, digital projection
The External World 2010, Dir. David O'Reilly 17:00 min, digital projection
Alone With The Moon 2011, Dir. Peter Burr 13:26 min, digital projection
I Was A Teacher 2012, Dir. Brenna Murphy 04:16 min, digital projection