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Collection Stories

Listen to MAD docents discuss their favorite works from the permanent collection.

Explore the richness of MAD’s permanent collection with dynamic storytellers. Sharing personal reflections and their deep knowledge of the Museum’s holdings, our docents bring to life favorite works of art and design.

Collection Stories produced and edited by Anita Sheih.

Music: "Bittersweet," Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Minor changes were made to the music.


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Browse MAD's collection of historical and contemporary craft, created by artists who have reimagined and advanced traditional craft forms and processes.

Hanging Coat Nr 1 (“A Flower for Ethyl Eichelberger” series), Oliver Herring, 1993

Long Night, Wendell Castle, 2011

Shades of Alice, Faith Ringgold, 1988/93

Untitled, Dale Chihuly, 1968

Soleme, El Anatsui, 2005

Aberrant Ascension, Tom Eckert, 2002

Brave #2, Boris Bally, 2006

Portrait of a Textile Worker, Terese Agnew, 2005

Performing Woman, Dorian Zachai, 1971

Hanging Coat Nr 1 (“A Flower for Ethyl Eichelberger” series), Oliver Herring, 1993

Narrated by Marilyn Eiges

<i>Hanging Coat Nr 1</i> (“A Flower for Ethyl Eichelberger” series), Oliver Herring, 1993: Narrated by Marilyn Eiges

Long Night, Wendell Castle, 2011

Narrated by Dayle Berke

<i>Long Night</i>, Wendell Castle, 2011: Narrated by Dayle Berke

Shades of Alice, Faith Ringgold, 1988/93

Narrated by Stephanie Acquadro

<i>Shades of Alice</i>, Faith Ringgold, 1988/93: Narrated by Stephanie Acquadro

Untitled, Dale Chihuly, 1968

Narrated by Deborah Golomb

Untitled, Dale Chihuly, 1968 : Narrated by Deborah Golomb

Soleme, El Anatsui, 2005

Narrated by Kathy Hatgis

<i>Soleme</i>, El Anatsui, 2005: Narrated by Kathy Hatgis

Aberrant Ascension, Tom Eckert, 2002

Narrated by Duane Jonker-Burke

<i>Aberrant Ascension</i>, Tom Eckert, 2002: Narrated by Duane Jonker-Burke

Brave #2, Boris Bally, 2006

Narrated by Robin Hertz

<i>Brave #2</i>, Boris Bally, 2006: Narrated by Robin Hertz

Portrait of a Textile Worker, Terese Agnew, 2005

Narrated by Sarah Jonker-Burke

<i>Portrait of a Textile Worker</i>, Terese Agnew, 2005: Narrated by Sarah Jonker-Burke

Performing Woman, Dorian Zachai, 1971

Narrated by Leila Zogby

<i>Performing Woman</i>, Dorian Zachai, 1971: Narrated by Leila Zogby

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