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Search Results

  1. ... The Breakthrough Years  is part of MAD Transformations, a series of six exhibitions presented this fall that address artists who have ...

  2. ... K.179 from his recent Scarlatti Sonata Kirkpartrick series that projects boldly from the wall and evokes the animated quality of ...

  3. ... is the third exhibition in MAD’s Materials and Process series, which examines the renaissance of traditional handcraft materials and ...

  4. ... a messy underbelly. At MAD, Canning is working on a new series of contemporary tapestries that combine hand-embroidery, painted silk ...

  5. ... crowns, Thompson Royds presents " Natura Morta ," a series exploring the tradition of flowers as a decorative motif in jewelry. The ...

  6. ... with the medical industry through her five “Implants Series,” she has formed partnerships with organizations including the ...

  7. ... is the third exhibition in MAD’s Materials and Process series, which examines the renaissance of traditional handcraft materials and ...

  8. ... programming for Doris Duke’s Shangri La will include a series of lectures and panel discussions on resonant subjects, such as Doris ...

  9. ... Japanese Kōgei | Future Forward  and presents a series of talks, workshops, and cinema screenings to examine the links between ...

  10. ... program titled Designers Screenings . Envisioned as a series of statements, Designers Screenings is a vibrant celebration of film ...


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