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Search Results

  1. ... to help Haiti. Organized by AIGA/NY, the Collaboration series examines the process of co-creation and looks closely at collaborative ...

  2. ... Reframing Tennessee Williams @ 100 is a month-long series of companion programs inaugurating the centenary celebrations of ...

  3. ... States, India, Australia and Japan. Her recent design series, Tenement/Timelines, investigates the material remnants of European ...

  4. ... a Scarf will extend the exhibition content, and includes a series of exclusive, private tours led by special guest docents, beginning on ...

  5. ... is part of The Art and Craft of Getting Dressed , a series of three exhibitions at the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) this spring ...

  6. ... of AMBOS (Art Made Between Opposite Sides), an ongoing series of artist interventions and commuter collaborations that address ... closely with the medical industry through her five "Implants Series," she has formed partnerships with organizations including the American ...

  7. ... The installation is drawn from Collins' "Rays" wallpaper series, the design of which she completed during her 2015 residency in the MAD ...

  8. ... recordings are available in the exhibition and online, and a series of live performances in the galleries will explore the legacy of the ...

  9. ... Reframing TennesseeWilliams @ 100 is a month-long series of companion programs inaugurating the centenary celebrations of ...

  10. ... Reframing TennesseeWilliams @ 100 is a month-long series of companion programs inaugurating the centenary celebrations of ...


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