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Search Results

  1. ... is part of MAD Transformations, the Museum's fall exhibition series showcasing artists who have rethought and continue to reshape ...

  2. ... today. The exhibition is part of MAD Transformations, a series of six exhibitions presented this fall that address artists who have ...

  3. ... Chambard of UM Project, The Print Shop is home to a series of live demonstrations and hands-on workshops revealing the process of ...

  4. ... of Africa, Montauk, celebrities and models, and a new series was inspired by Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders. Lunch ...

  5. ... Investigate the creation of narrative using Farmer’s series of ceramic pioneer women as inspiration.  Visitors will watch as Farmer ...

  6. ... and published, Where to Wear, the first comprehensive series of global shopping guides covering 14 cities worldwide. Karen ...

  7. ... respond to our contemporary world? Join us for a monthly series of provocations at MAD where practitioners and critics discuss the ...

  8. ... Chambard of UM Projects, The Print Shop is home to a series of live demonstrations and hands-on workshops revealing the process of ...

  9. ... G. Patterson was invited to take part in MAD’s new POV series with …buried again to carry on growing… , an installation of the ...

  10. ... spring of 2011, the Museum of Arts and Design presents the series Vibrant Space, an exploration into how physical, digital, and ...


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