Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

At Play: Performing Artist-in-Residence Series

Featuring Stephanie M. Acosta, NIC Kay, and Steven Reker

At Play Performing Artists-in-Residence Stephanie Acosta, Steven Reker, and NIC Kay

As an installation and instrument, Studio PSK’s Polyphonic Playground inspires countless possibilities for the production of new and experimental performance-based works. For the At Play performing artist-in-residence series, three New York City–based artists (Stephanie M. Acosta, NIC Kay, and Steven Reker) have been invited to be in residence with Polyphonic Playground for the duration of its exhibition at MAD, August 22, 2017 to February 11, 2018.

During regular Museum hours the public is invited to observe, participate, and ask questions as these artists develop new interdisciplinary performance pieces on the playground, to be performed publicly at the conclusion of the residency period in early 2018.

For a calendar indicating which days each At Play artist will be in residence at MAD, click here.

Additional programs and performances will be announced over the exhibition term.


Artists in this Series


Installation view of Studio PSK: Polyphonic Playground, part of Sonic Arcade: Shaping Space with Sound

Photo by Jenna Bascom, courtesy of the Museum of Arts and Design

Steven Reker

Installation view of Studio PSK: Polyphonic Playground, part of Sonic Arcade: Shaping Space with Sound

Photo by Jenna Bascom, courtesy of the Museum of Arts and Design

Stephanie Acosta

Installation view of Studio PSK: Polyphonic Playground, part of Sonic Arcade: Shaping Space with Sound

Photo by Jenna Bascom, courtesy of the Museum of Arts and Design

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