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It Is Crispin Hellion Glover

A unique voice within American cinema, Crispin Hellion Glover first entered into the film industry as a child actor at the age of 13 in sitcoms including Family Ties and Happy Days. Since then, Glover has emerged as a pioneer within the cult cinema for his character actor roles in Hollywood blockbusters, including George McFly in Back to the Future, Andy Warhol in The Doors, the Thin Man in Charlie’s Angels, and the eponymous character in the remake of Willard, as well as for directing a series of independent feature films that explore alternative perspectives on contemporary life from the vantage point of those with down syndrome and cerebral palsy. 

Only screening his works theatrically, on 35mm, when he is present with the audience, Glover rejects the common distribution channels of DVD, TV, and VOD for personal presentations of his works that allow for greater context and framing of the complex subjects he explores. Over the course of one weekend in June, MAD is proud to present the feature films and live dramatic narration of this vital and singular talent of American cinema, Crispin Hellion Glover.



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