Paper Marbling with MAD Artist-in-Residence Amanda Thackray

Sun, Oct 6, 2019

Join our Studio Sunday hands-on exploration of Japanese suminagashi paper marbling and Turkish erbru marbling inspired by the artist's papermaking practice. 

Studio Sunday is a drop-in, multigenerational art-making experience for learning new skills and ideas together. Each Studio Sunday is led by one of the Museum's Artists-in-Residence and open to visitors ages five and up.

Amanda Thackray creates her own netting, cording, and paper rope using methods adapted from the traditional Korean handmade paper process of hanji to build installations and sculpture meant to evoke the muscles, membranes, and other tissues of the human body. At MAD, Thackray is introducing color and texture to her paper rope pieces using Japanese suminagashi marbling and printmaking methods.


Please review our health and safety protocols before you arrive. MAD strongly recommends all visitors six months and older are vaccinated against Covid-19 and visitors ages two and up wear face coverings, even if vaccinated. Thank you for your cooperation.

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