Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

Supply / Demand pt 1 Radio -> Internet

Thu, Mar 14, 2013

For their three part series of panel discussions accompanied by related performances and demonstrations, Supply / Demand, E.S.P. TV collaborates with ((audience)) and Harvestworks Digital Media Lab Center to gather practitioners from art and industry to discuss the metamorphosis of Audio Visual Media in general and the opportunities of on-demand distribution. 

While the film and music industries are constantly discussing the opportunities of new technologies, Supply/Demand aims to focus on the needs and the experiences of independent and experimental electronic artists. Bringing together scholars, media aggregators and distributors, and artists (musicians and composers, film makers, video artists, sound artists) Supply / Demand asks: How can artists make use of new channels of distribution? How can artists contribute to emerging protocols of distribution?

This panel focuses on the period of time between 1999 and 2004, when a number of pirate and community broadcasters were making their first internet radio broadcasts,and the beginning of Pandora and podcasting. Panel organized and moderated by Alexis Bhaghat, Co-founder and director of ((audience)).

Highlighted participants include Jonathan Jay (Studio X) and Jon Anderson (Director of Broadcast Journalism, Department of Television and Radio, CUNY), Tom Roe, Artistic Director 103.9  

Curated listening: Jason Candler, August Sound Coalition and Cascadia Free Radio.

 *Panels will be broadcast on both Harvestworks website ( and Free103.9 web radio ( 



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