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Spectacle Presents: Nirvana Night

Thu, Jul 31 / 7 pm

A heartfelt salute to the greatest band of all time, Nirvana Night presents an original Spectacle “re-made/remodeled” work.

I Hate Myself and I Want to Die
Dir. Greg Eggebeen and Ben Shapiro, 2012–2014.
USA. Video. 65 min. 

The biographical story of Nirvana told through the YouTube-sourced media detritus left in Kurt Cobain’s wake, I Hate Myself and I Want To Die was born out of the desire to do a music documentary without any consideration for major label record companies and royalty fees.

IHMAWTD is more than a clip show: it is an alternate, cost-effective model of documentary, collating ephemera to tell a linear story through the outside gaze of home video, lost practice footage, local news broadcasts, stoned TV interviews, insensitive true-crime shows, crushing live performances, and more. These collected lenses reflect the lovers and leechers circling the bizarre and spectacular voyage of the unlikeliest band in the world.

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