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Qui Êtes-Vous, Polly Magoo?

Fri, Sep 9, 2011

1966, Dir. WIlliam Klein
with Dorothy McGowan, Jean Rochefort, and Sami Frey
102 min, Digital Projection

Supermodel Polly Maggoo (Dorothy McGowan) is at the center of a whirlwind of publicity. As she discusses her life with a television crew, she embarks on flights of fancy that include a "Prince Charming" (Sami Frey), animated interludes, and aluminum-foil clothing. This satire on the fashion industry provides a glimpse into this world as viewed by writer-director William Klein, the photographer and filmmaker who introduced innovation into fashion.

with introduction by Simon Doonan, creative ambassador-at-large for Barneys New York


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