Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

MAD Professional Development for Teachers

Mon, Feb 3 / 8:30 am

Shane Kohatsu

Aranda\Lasch, New York-based architectural studio featured in Out of Hand: Materializing the Postdigital will begin the day with a discussion of their work exploring modular systems.  Fascinated with fractal geometry, smaller parts that come together to form larger wholes, this duo of Benjamin Aranda and Chris Lasch investigates the realm of structure and space, forming crystalline designs for buildings, installations and objects through computation.

MAD’s teaching artist will lead a gallery discussion to address concerns and interests of teachers such as the implementation and integration of technology and art within the school curriculum. As new federal and state Common Core standards for K–12 learning outline proficiency in technology across many subjects, computer-aided design is more important than ever to prepare students for success in college and the workspace. Teachers will use the exhibition Out of Hand as a foundation, participate in an afternoon workshop on approaches to teaching digital fabrication and art-related technology skills, and outline points-of-entry with school curricula. 

Don’t miss the chance to network with other educators while supplementing your existing knowledge of contemporary art, craft, and design.  Join our roundtable and consider the role of art and art making in a global society by analyzing the influences of technology on visual arts, medicine, architecture, and fashion. 

MAD's Professional Development for Teachers is designed for K–12 educators in all subjects. Reservations are honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating is limited.

8:30 am Registration opens
9 am Welcome
9:30  to 10:30am Aranda\Lasch designer presentation
10:30 to 11:30am In-gallery tours
11:30 to 12:30pm Lunch break
12:30 to 3:30pm Digital fabrication workshops

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